The F-15EX Integrated Test & Evaluation (IT&E) Phase I has reached a milestone with the successful deployment of three Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSMs). During this phase, the F-15EX participated in 19 Large Force Exercise events, showcasing its capabilities and integration with 5th generation aircraft. This accomplishment demonstrates the aircraft’s prowess in both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground missions, underlining its importance in modern combat scenarios.

The expedited testing and fielding of the F-15EX were made possible through the collaborative efforts of the 40th Flight Test Squadron, 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron, and Operational Flight Program Combined Test Force (OFP CTF) based at Eglin AFB. Their dedication to the project has set a precedent for future aircraft programs, including the highly anticipated B-21 Raider.
Data from this phase will undergo analysis by the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center and the Office of the Secretary of Defense Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, bringing us closer to a full rate production decision. The F-15EX continues to prove its worth as a formidable asset for combatant commanders.
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