Swiss Air Force PC-21 accident

In an incident that unfolded on the afternoon of Nov. 28, a Swiss Air Force PC-21 training aircraft encountered trouble during a landing maneuver at the Emmen Air Base. The pilot and trainee duo on board ejected from the aircraft, ensuring their safety. Emergency services also promptly responded to the situation.


The accident occurred around 2:45 PM local time as two PC-21 training aircraft were returning from a routine training flight. During the landing process, the second aircraft deviated from the runway, resulting in the ejection of both the pilot and trainee. The aircraft, damaged in the incident, came to a stop in a meadow bordering the runway.

Remarkably, both crew members successfully parachuted to the ground, and one of them, as a precaution, was taken to the hospital for a check-up. The specific reasons for the aircraft’s deviation from the runway are currently under investigation.

In response to the incident, the Swiss Air Force has made the decision to temporarily grounded the PC-21 fleet while pending a detailed investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident.

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