Utah National Guard Apache Longbow down in training mishap

A Utah National Guard AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter involved in a landing exercise crashed at the South Valley Regional Airport on Monday, Feb. 12, at approximately 1:20 PM. While both pilots (one is from the 419th Fighter Wing) onboard sustained injuries, they are reported to be in stable condition. No other casualties were reported.

The incident occurred during a routine training mission, with details about the specific exercise remaining undisclosed. According to Lt. Col. Chris Kroeber, public affairs officer, the pilots were practicing landings when the mishap occurred, indicating they were likely at low altitude at the time of impact. The extent of the helicopter’s damage, particularly to the rotor system, suggests a heavy impact.

Authorities have emphasized the incident as a “training accident,” avoiding the term “crash,” potentially due to ongoing investigation protocols. A team from the Army Combat Readiness Center (CRC) is expected to arrive in Utah to commence a thorough investigation, which could take up to 90 days to complete. The results, per Army policy, will not be publicly released.

The helicopter belonged to the 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment, and was part of a joint training mission involving other branches of the military. These exercises, as Kroeber stated, aim to enhance communication and operational procedures for joint warfare scenarios. The Utah National Guard reportedly operates 18 AH-64Ds, contributing over 3,000 flight hours annually.

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