Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) has introduced the National Manoeuvre Air Defence System (NOMADS), a new mobile ground-based air defense system designed to bolster the Norwegian Army’s front line capabilities. While drawing on technology from the existing NASAMS system, NOMADS offers distinct advantages for modern battlefield scenarios.


NOMADS prioritizes mobility. Mounted on an armored mechanized vehicle, NOMADS boasts excellent off-road capabilities, allowing for rapid deployment and operation in close proximity to maneuvering troops.

The core of NOMADS is a Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) module equipped with a passive seeker missile and an AESA radar. This module leverages functionalities and applications derived from the NASAMS system, ensuring a high degree of effectiveness against modern aerial threats. The initial weapon system employed the IRIS-T missile.

However, due to significant donations of IRIS-T missiles to Ukraine, the Norwegian Army plans to re-arm the NOMADS system with the AIM-9X missile. Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace will oversee this rearmament process, with logistical and technical support provided by the American industrial company Raytheon, the manufacturer of the AIM-9X missile.

“NOMADS can defend against small, short-range targets like drones and cruise missiles, offering crucial protection against threats currently seen in Ukraine,” highlights Kjetil Reiten Myhra, Executive Vice President Defence Systems at Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. This focus on emerging threats complements the NASAMS system’s broader air defense spectrum.

NOMADS seamlessly integrates with NATO’s Integrated Air & Missile Defence (IAMD) system, ensuring interoperability with allied forces. Furthermore, the user-friendly command and control system allows for autonomous operations and facilitates the simultaneous engagement of multiple targets. The system’s design is also “vehicle agnostic,” meaning it can be readily integrated with various existing platforms, enhancing flexibility.

Developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, NOMADS has undergone successful testing and received positive feedback from the end user. The mobile air defense system will mainly protect the Army units while they are moving, but also when they are in static positions. In the first instance, six NOMAD systems are to be delivered to the Norwegian Armed Forces, and the new air defense is planned to be fully operational during 2026 to 2028.

The introduction of NOMADS strengthens the Norwegian Army’s air defense capabilities, particularly for front line units. Its mobility, integrated defense suite, and adaptability to various operational scenarios make it a valuable addition to modern warfare strategies, specifically suited to countering the growing threat of drones and short-range missiles.

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