JS Chōkai will be the first to be fitted with Tomahawk cruise missiles

The Japanese government has announced plans to equip the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s (MSDF) Aegis destroyer JS Chōkai with the capability to launch U.S.-made Tomahawk cruise missiles.

JS Chōkai in the Pacific, -17 Nov. 2009 a
Daniel Viramontes, U.S. Navy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Defense Ministry has requested $12.3 million for the plan under the government’s fiscal 2025 budget. The Chokai will be the first Japanese Aegis destroyer to possess a counterstrike capability, aligning with the government’s National Security Strategy.

In January 2024, Japan signed a contract to purchase up to 400 Tomahawk missiles, reflecting growing concerns about regional security threats posed by China and North Korea. This acquisition is part of a broader military buildup aimed at deterring potential adversaries and strengthening Japan’s defense capabilities.

The Tomahawk missiles, including Block IV and Block V variants, have a range of approximately 1,600 kilometers and can be launched from warships. The deployment of these missiles is expected to begin in fiscal year 2025, one year earlier than originally planned.

The ministry plans to give the Chokai the ability to launch Tomahawk missile when it is scheduled to undergo refurbishment, with completion expected by March 2026. Japan plans to eventually equip all eight Aegis destroyers deployed at the MSDF’s Yokosuka, Maizuru, and Sasebo bases with Tomahawk missiles.

The total cost of the Tomahawk missile purchase is estimated to be around $1.72 billion dollars. This significant investment represents a major step forward in Japan’s efforts to modernize its military and enhance its deterrence capabilities.

The decision to acquire Tomahawk missiles has been a controversial issue in Japan, with some raising concerns about the potential escalation of regional tensions. However, proponents of the purchase argue that it is a necessary measure to safeguard Japan’s national security in the face of growing threats.

The acquisition of Tomahawk missiles, coupled with the planned upgrades to the Chokai, demonstrates Japan’s commitment to strengthening its military capabilities and playing a more active role in regional security.

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