Lt. Jg. Lee Joo-yeon has become the first female P-3C pilot for the South Korean Navy when she flew her first mission on Tuesday.
Author: alert5
Spec-ops aviator reveals details on stealth Black Hawk
A former special operations aviator told Army Times that the Black Hawk used in the Osama raid was modified for stealth missions back ten years ago.
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Black Hawk in Osama raid encountered higher than expected temperatures
Reuters reported that the ‘newer’ version UH-60 Black Hawks that raided Osama’s compound had encountered higher than expected temperatures which forced one of the aircraft to make an unplanned hard landing.
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It was Danish F-16s that killed Gaddafi’s son
Media reports say it was F-16s from Denmark that carried out the strike in Tripoli on Sunday that killed Muammar Gaddafi’s son.
Deveselu Air Base, Romania to host SM-3 interceptors
Romania and the United States have selected Deveselu Air Base to host SM-3 interceptors for the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System.
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