U.S. lawmakers introduce bill to buy 2 sets of Iron Dome

Two U.S. lawmakers have introduce the “U.S.-Israel Indirect Fire Protection Act of 2019 (H.R. 3186) to authorize the Secretary of the Army to procure two Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system batteries.”

Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - Iron Dome Intercepts Rockets from the Gaza Strip
Israel Defense Forces and Nehemiya Gershoni נחמיה גרשוני [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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Using Google Earth, Japan’s defense officials selected Aegis Ashore site base on erroneous data

Japan’s Defense Ministry is under criticism for its selection of the Aegis Ashore site in Akita. Officials disclosed on Jun. 8 that the elevation angles of mountains in northern Japan were calculated wrongly using Google Earth.

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