Saab has snagged a noteworthy contract, worth $48 million, to supply its cutting-edge Giraffe 4A radar systems to the U.S. Air Forces in Europe. Deliveries of these mobile, multi-function radar systems are expected to commence in 2027 with BAE Systems Technical Solutions & Services Inc. serving as the prime contractor for this award.
Sixty-six years after the last U.S. Air Force warrant officer retired, a new generation donned the distinctive rank insignia, signifying a return to a tradition rooted in technical mastery. On Dec. 6, 30 individuals graduated from the Warrant Officer Training School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, ready to embark on careers as technical experts and advisors in specialized fields like cyber, intelligence, and space. Their graduation marks the culmination of a strategic initiative led by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin to address the service’s growing need for highly skilled technical professionals.
Warrant Officer Training School class 25-01 meets with Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Dec. 6, 2024. The Warrant Officer Candidates endured an 8-week training intended to make the candidates professional warfighters, technical integrators and credible advisors. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Evan Lichtenhan) Continue reading “Warrant Officers return to the U.S. Air Force”
The first Lockheed Martin F-35A for the Belgian Air Component touched down at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona on Dec. 3. This marked the beginning of a new era for the Belgian Air Component as they transition from the F-16 Fighting Falcon to the advanced F-35A Lightning II. The arrival represents a significant leap forward for the Belgian Air Component, equipping them with fifth-generation fighter capabilities.
U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Jason Wall, 312th Fighter Squadron commander, taxis the first Belgian Air Component F-35A Lightning II at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Dec. 3, 2024. This milestone marked the beginning of Belgium’s transition from the F-16 Fighting Falcon to the advanced F-35A, ushering in a new era for the Belgian Air Component. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Katelynn Jackson) Continue reading “Belgian F-35 arrive at Luke to begin training”
The U.S. Air Force successfully released its new Stand-in Attack Weapon (SiAW) from an F-16 over the Gulf of Mexico on Nov. 7. The test, involving a jettison test vehicle (JTV), marked the first time the SiAW separated from an aircraft. The JTV lacked a rocket motor and internal electronics, focusing solely on the weapon’s safe separation from the aircraft.
A 40th Flight Test Squadron F-16 Fighting Falcon releases a Stand-in Attack Weapon for the first time Nov. 7 at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The mission marked the first time the weapon was successfully released from an aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Blake Wiles) Continue reading “SiAW cores first flight test milestone”
A Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CH147F Chinook helicopter, tail number CH147310, crashed into the Ottawa River on the night of Jun. 19, 2023, killing two pilots. The accident occurred during a demanding night training exercise designed to challenge student pilots as part of the Tactical First Officer Course. The newly released accident report concludes that the crew experienced spatial disorientation, leading to a Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT).