U.S. Army still considers Armed Aerial Scout a valid requirement

The U.S. Army still considers the Armed Aerial Scout a valid requirement, Maj. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, commander of the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, told HASC’s subcommittee on tactical air and land forces.

OH-58D 2.jpg
OH-58D 2” by SSgt Shane A. Cuomo, US Army – http://web.archive.org/web/http://www4.army.mil/armyimages/armyimage.php?photo=3873. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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Ukrainian Mi-24 crashed

A Ukrainian Army Mi-24 has crashed in Vasylkiv district of Kyiv region on Mar. 24. One person on board was killed and two others injured.

Mil Mi-24P, Ukraine - Army AN1387321.jpg
Mil Mi-24P, Ukraine – Army AN1387321” by
Oleg V. Belyakov – AirTeamImages
– Gallery page http://www.airliners.net/photo/Ukraine—Army/Mil-Mi-24P/1387321/L
Photo http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/1/2/3/1387321.jpg. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
