Two former U.S. Army CH-47Ds have been delivered to Townsville, Australia.
Aviation News
Two former U.S. Army CH-47Ds have been delivered to Townsville, Australia.
The U.S. Army is developing a weapon that will shoot lightning bolts down laser beams to destroy its target.
Continue reading “U.S. Army developing laser-based lightning weapon”
A U.S. Army AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter landed on the flight deck of USS New York Jun. 22 as part of an exercise designed to improve the Army and Navy’s proficiency when landing on ships, and the ability to accommodate them while on board.
Australia’s Tiger attack helicopters have been grounded again after one had to make an emergency landing due to fumes in the cockpit.
Continue reading “Australia Tigers grounded again”
Wired is reporting that the U.S. Army is likely to terminate its work on the Boeing A160 Hummingbird UAV program due to continued problems.