In an unexpected turn of events, several United States Navy fighter jets recently made an unscheduled stopover at Brunei International Airport. The nature of their mission and their intended destination were not publicly disclosed. However, their unscheduled landing highlighted the dynamic nature of carrier strike group operations, which often require logistical support and flexibility in the vast Indo-Pacific region.
Recent media coverage frequently portrays air and missile defense intercepts through the lens of a simplistic cost comparison: the expensive interceptor versus the seemingly cheap missile or drone it destroys. While such headlines grab attention, Wes Rumbaugh, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, argues this approach paints an incomplete and potentially misleading picture. In a recent analysis, he delves deeper, urging a more nuanced understanding of the complex factors at play.
The Hellenic Navy’s maritime muscle is set to receive a significant boost with the arrival of the versatile MH-60R helicopter. Testing of the first three aircraft, completed in December 2023, paves the way for their deployment to Greece aboard U.S. Navy transport planes later this year. Four additional helicopters will follow in 2025, finalizing the seven-aircraft purchase.
The Hawaii Air National Guard’s Sentry Aloha 24-01 exercise, a large-scale, joint training event, successfully concluded on Jan. 31 after two intensive weeks. Designed to enhance war fighting capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region, the exercise saw participation from over 700 personnel and 40 aircraft across the Department of Defense (DoD) and Australia.
A cruise missile launched by Houthi rebels into the Red Sea on the night of Jan. 30th came within a nautical mile of the USS Gravely, marking the closest such attack on a U.S. warship to date, CNN reported. The missile was ultimately destroyed by the ship’s Close-In Weapon System (CIWS), marking the first time this defensive system has seen combat action on a warship.