Category: Research
AlphaDogfight Trial #1
The final trial is now expected to take place next month.
Japan hopes to deploy high-speed glide weapon in FY2026
Mainichi reports that Japan intends to deploy its high-speed glide weapon for island defense in FY2026. An anti-ship variant is expected to be ready 2 years later.
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PT. Dirgantara Indonesia to reverse engineer missiles
PT. Dirgantara Indonesia has been directed by the Indonesian government to embark on a program to reverse engineer missiles.
Photo: Indonesian government
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DARPA’s Gunslinger is a missile with a gun for CAS and air-to-air engagements
The Pentagon’s fiscal 2021 budget proposal has revealed DARPA’s Gunslinger program. It will be an air-launched tactical range missile system with a gun system.
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