Morocco is in talks to acquire the Delilah cruise missile to equip its F-5 fighters.
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Aviation News
Morocco is in talks to acquire the Delilah cruise missile to equip its F-5 fighters.
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The L3Harris Technologies Airborne Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare System (ARES) demonstrator for the U.S. Army might have been deployed to South Korea, according to the local news.
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The U.S. Marine Corps will have a second aggressor squadron by 2024 when VMFT-402 is declared safe for flight in 2024 at MCAS Beaufort.
Paul Bradley, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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Speaking at an event organized by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Japanese lawmaker Masahisa Sato, says Japan and U.S. should deploy intermediate-range missiles in Hokkaido.
The South Korean legislative assembly organized a conference on airpower development on May 4 and Maj. Gen. Choi Chun-song, head of the planning and management staff of the Air Force Headquarters, briefed participants on a proposal to shorten the timeline for the replacement of legacy fighters.
대한민국 국군 Republic of Korea Armed Forces, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons