The Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) CH-47F (NL) Chinook made its first flight in a ceremony Jan. 25 at Summit Aviation in Middletown, Del.
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Germany to sell 13 A400Ms
Germany plans to sell away 13 of its A400M transports in order to cut costs. It will still place an order for 53 aircraft but some of those will be offered to other buyers.
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Israeli Air Force to setup Heron UAV squadron
The Israeli Air Force is working towards setting up a new squadron that will operate the IAI Heron UAV.
IMI could merge with Rafael
The Israeli government has recommended that Israel Military Industries merged with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
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UNC, Michigan State to have basketball match on aircraft carrier
The flight deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier will be transformed into a basketball court on Veteran’s Day this year.
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