A planned hearing on Thursday by the U.S. Senate into the KC-X document mix-up will likely delay the announcement of a winner until March.
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Jordon offered to sell its F-16s to Iraq, send aircraft to Afghanistan
A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable said Jordan had offered to sell its F-16 from the PEACE FALCON 1 program to Iraq in exchange for better European F-16s.
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India to induct C-130J on Feb. 5
The Indian Air Force will formally induct its first C-130J into service on Feb. 5.
NRO’s latest satellite is a Keyhole
Observers tracking satellites in space believe the latest satellite that was carried into orbit on a Delta IV Heavy last week was meant to replace an aging Keyhole spy satellite.
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Faulty rudder lead to Frakenhornet’s crash
A rare Finnish F-18D, that was rebuild using parts from a F-18C, was lost after its rudder failed due to a servo malfunction.
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