A U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks confirmed that Russia wants Israel to transfer UAV technology in return for canceling the S-300 sale to Iran.
Wikileaks reveals arms shopping list
The latest documents released by WikiLeaks reveal a military shopping list for American weapons.
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‘Pappy’ Boyington possessions donated to VMA-214
The son of World War 2 ace Maj. Greg ‘Pappy’ Boyington has donated some of his father’s belongings to VMA-214.
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Tornado GR4 flies with TIEC for 1st time
A Tornado GR4 has successfully made its first test flight with the Tactical Information Exchange Capability (TIEC).
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Venlet denies support of F136
Head of the F-35 program, Vice Adm. David Venlet, has denied supporting the F136 engine program.