VH-92A expected to replace the VH-3D as Marine One in the next year or so

Connecticut-based aerospace company Sikorsky is nearing the formal unveiling of the next generation Marine One presidential helicopter, the VH-92A Patriot. Built as a replacement for the current fleet of VH-3D Sea King and VH-60N White Hawk helicopters, the VH-92A is on track to take over the esteemed Marine One mission. With the White House expecting a total fleet of 21 VH-92A helicopters, including two test aircraft, this transition marks a significant security measure in presidential transport.

Sikorsky VH-92 lands in front of the White House during tests, 22 September 2018 (180922-M-ZY870-531)
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Hunter Helis, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

According to Paul Lemmo, President of Sikorsky, the VH-92A helicopters are already in service for some presidential missions, operating alongside the older VH-3D. However, over the next year or so, the VH-92A is expected to fully replace the previous models, Lemmo said during a Connecticut Business & Industry Association forum late last month.

Assembly of the new Marine One helicopters began in 2019, and the first two prototypes were delivered in November 2021, featuring the iconic green-and-white-top color scheme. The VH-92A program, estimated by the Government Accountability Office to cost $5 billion, faced delays due to challenges with a government-developed mission communications system. Sikorsky has also had to overcome obstacles related to engine exhaust and fluid discharges in landing zones, employing alternative solutions to ensure the helicopter meets safety and environmental standards.

While Sikorsky refrained from providing specific details on the new White House helicopter, directing inquiries to the U.S. Navy, a Navy spokesperson stated that the timing for the VH-92A to assume the Marine One mission is an event-driven goal, emphasizing the importance of a smooth and safe transition from the traditional fleet of helicopters. The Navy, along with other relevant offices, is diligently working to ensure the seamless integration of the VH-92A fleet into presidential operations.

The VH-92A’s journey to becoming the primary presidential helicopter has been shaped by previous attempts to modernize the fleet. During the Bush administration, the VH-71A, a variant of the AgustaWestland AW101 helicopter, was selected for the Marine One program. However, due to cost overruns and schedule delays, the VH-71A program was eventually canceled in 2009, leading to the search for an alternative solution.

In the aftermath of the VH-71A’s cancelation, the Navy restarted the VXX program, aimed at finding a suitable replacement for the aging VH-3D and VH-60N helicopters. After a rigorous evaluation process, Sikorsky’s VH-92A was selected as the winning candidate for the Marine One mission in 2014.

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One thought on “VH-92A expected to replace the VH-3D as Marine One in the next year or so

  1. Time to find good homes of VH-3Ds and VH-60Ns in aviation museums and Presidential museums.

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