Update on Buzz Buggy

The crew of C-47 “Buzz Buggy” is busy swapping out the port side engine in Surabaya, Indonesia. They are expected to depart on Oct. 3 and instead of landing in Johor, Malaysia, they will be arriving at Seletar, Singapore. Arrival time is expected to be 1500-1700 hrs.


The most detailed account of the 1st AIM-9 dogfight

The combat debut of the AIM-9 Sidewinder dogfight missile took place 48 58 years ago and the location was over Wenzhou Bay, China. This article, in Mandarin, is the most detailed account on what actually took place on Sept. 24, 1958, including the time the first PLAAF MiG-17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile fired from a RoCAF F-86.

Photo: Library of Congress

Three PLAAF MiG-17s’ contrails can be seen in this gun camera footage and the Sidewinder had just left its launch rail.
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These guys are bringing a C-47 across the hump to China and they need your help

The Flying Tiger Historical Organization is trying to bring a C-47 from Australia for display at the Flying Tigers Guilin Heritage Park & Museum in China. The aircraft’s left engine failed after departure from Bali, Indonesia and they are now stuck in Surabaya. They need to raise funds to have a replacement engine shipped to Indonesia.

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