Alleged Sonic boom from F-15s reported to cause property damage in Florida

Residents in Putnam County, Florida, reported experiencing a sonic boom on the afternoon of Mar. 5. The loud noise, described by witnesses as “earth-shattering” and “like a bomb going off,” is believed to have originated from F-15 fighter jets conducting routine training exercises in the area.

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the incident and assessing the extent of the damage caused by the sonic boom. While the extent of damage remains undetermined, local news reports mention cracked walls, broken windows, and detached siding in several homes.

The Florida National Guard confirmed that F-15 fighter jets were indeed conducting training exercises in the vicinity at the time of the reported sonic boom. However, the specific location of the training activity and the nature of the exercise were not disclosed in available statements.

Sonic booms are pressure waves generated by objects exceeding the speed of sound. While primarily associated with military aircraft at supersonic speeds, they can also occur during commercial supersonic flights, if permitted. These pressure waves can cause loud noises and vibrations, and in rare instances, may lead to property damage, as seen in this reported incident.

The investigation by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is ongoing, aiming to determine the specific cause and extent of the damage. Further information regarding the specific flight path of the F-15s, the nature of the training exercise, and potential compensation for affected residents might be released as the investigation progresses.

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