India’s wheeled version of the Nishant UAV, dubbed Panchi, made its maiden flight on Dec. 24.
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Category: UAV
Video: MQ-8C completes first ship-based flights
The MQ-8C has completed the first ship-based flights aboard USS Jason Dunham over a period of five-days off the Virginia coast.
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Syria airs video of Israeli mini-UAV it ‘shot down’
Syrian state media has broadcasted a video showing an Israeli Skylark mini-UAV that the Syrians claimed to have been shot down over Quneitra. Hit the source for the video.
Indian Navy interested in MQ-4C
According to The Hindu, the Indian Navy has shown interest in acquiring six to eight MQ-4C Tritons.
NASA funds study on SR-72 concept
Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $892,292 contract by NASA to study the feasibility of the turbine-based combined cycle (TBCC) propulsion system that the former proposed for its SR-72 concept.